Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bulls by One Point

Thanks to erryone who was tweeting live with me during this headache of a game. Triple overtime folks!! And even though Rose was a bamma at the end, we still pulled through. And what was up with all that fighting? Can someone please comment on that with me? Let's have a discussion, either via twitter or blogspot. Hit me up


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Thanks erryone at 41yo!!

What's up y'all? I got another article for y'all to check out on me and E Major. It's about one of the bangers on my album (sound wandering) titled "one man band" check it out an Leave a comment!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Sound Wandering" Article in Baltimore City Paper

Thanks and big ups to mr cooper for this joint on my album.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Some new musac

I made these joints a little while ago and decided to share them

What im cookin up

Ok so i know my album is about to drop. But that dont mean i gotta stop workin people!! So right now i got a few ideas of what imma be doing. I aint tellin yall but all i can say it includes me...........and ced hughes........and me.........and some remixes for some folks(whom you all know and love). Feel free to hit me up via if you wanna collab or critic or whatever. or hit me up via

Also keep me posted on whatever yall are doing as well. Just because i make music and am focusing on my craft doesnt mean i like dont like listening to other "up and coming" artists stuff. We all in this together so send me some ish!!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

DJin for the kids....

Ok so this past sat. I was DJin at a bday party. It started off kinda janky with a minor speaker situation. When I arrived to scope out the spot, I was amazed at how much these people rented the place for. I helped set up the tables and such and then left to go about my business before I had to be there. Time flew by and when the time came to set up, I had erryone helping me currrry my stuff inside(erryone was a bunch of 14 year olds lol). So after I set up I started playin some jams right away. The party was supposed to start at 7pm, but you know how it goes and people didn't really start to show up until 830. Once the bday girl popped in, it got crazy.

Ok I know I havnt been 18 in a while now but I don't remember kids acting like this when I was their age. It was a rude awakening and a funny experience all in one. The kids ages were from 13 to 20 and not only were they wild, they were some fightin little chillens. Of course a fight broke out at least 2wice and I found out later on that some of the kids were drinking before the party in the parking lot. This was def. One of the most entertaining experiences I've ever had while DJing to say the least. The woman who threw the bash told me later on that some of the girls actually showed up without UnderWear!! What?!?!?!?! Needless to say I will not be having any girls as a future father lol.

If I do have a daughter in the near future I will prolly be freaking out until she's 40 lol. The dad of the little girl was there and was pulling these lil boys off of the asses of these lil(but lookin grown)girls. This was a night to remember ill tell you that much lol. Anyway shouts out to the folks that threw the party, my little buddy for gettin her go-go/bmore club on, and errybody who was just havin a good ol' time.
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