You know a lot of people wanna say that we shouldn't put all of our faith in one man. But who says that i am???? The only one i put all of my faith in is GOD himself. Now if I think personally that this man they call OBAMA, has potential to help us with our country's issues...........then let it be. In my mind, No one is better than me nor less than me. I have a lot of respect for OBAMA (capital letters yes), and people are getting the wrong idea. I had someone tell me that people are worshiping OBAMA to an unhealthy point. When i heard this i thought to myself..........so your telling me that when people had faith in Martin Luther King Jr, they were wrong???? because he wasn't god???? Has it ever crossed peoples minds that maybe GOD had sent MLKJ and OBAMA to help us as a country???? Just because i have faith in someone doesn't mean i don't go to church. I read my bible as much as i can and yes i worship GOD (just in case you were wondering.
Now that I said what i needed to say the rally was freakin crazy!!!! It was 28 degrees outside and i couldn't feel my face. But just to be their and see everyone come together for a noble cause was great. So here are some photos and please comment.
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